Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Here's something I'm doing with a high school in my community..I took the photo, so I'm not in it:

Courtney Yasmineh, a Twin Cities based songwriter and recording artist, is working with students from the Journeys High School in St. Paul to bring original music to their fingertips.  In a partnership with the Rock Star Supply Co. and The Lab at Journeys, the MN State Arts Board is funding a 2012-2013 songwriter in residence program.  Yasmineh is bringing in professional musicians Tommy Barbarella and Jeff Bailey, and music producer Rob Genadek, to work with students at Journeys on the students' own original compositions for voice, keyboard, guitar, bass, and drums.  Students also have opportunities to visit and record at Rob Genadek's Brewhouse Recording Studio in downtown Minneapolis.   The emphasis of the project is to enhance the public school experience during school hours for students who have an interest in music and verbal self-expression by giving them opportunities to collaborate creatively with adults who share a love of music and can model constructive behavior and help produce a finished musical product that can be a source of pride for all involved.  A final CD sampler of the original pieces will be produced, manufactured, and distributed within the school community.  There will be a CD release show with performances by the students and their professional colleagues near the end of the school year.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So Many Shows, So Little Time

We are playing so many more shows this summer than I had originally anticipated that we haven't had time to finish the new record.  That said, the new record is benefitting greatly from our taking the new songs out for live test runs every week.  We have actually dropped one song completely....we didn't have fun playing it, so why bother?

This photo is from the famed Jet Lounge in Amsterdam...a veritable stalwart of punk and alternative aesthetic in a world of diluted hipster reincarnations.

The photo stands as a tribute to shows recent and shows to come.  We are taking it to the streets and loving every minute of it.  And the new album will be finished by autumn.  I promise.

All shows are listed on the website calendar.  See you out and about!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Beehive Public House Swindon, England March 2012

The Beehive Show March 2012
The Show!

We took advantage of the Abbey Lane just around the corner from the Beehive in Swindon:

The sign above the door amended during our performance to include the name of the bachelor proprietor Mr. Andy Marcer:

planes, trains, automobiles touring 2012

Trains and Taxis in the UK 

12 Bar Club London March 2012

12 Bar Club London, England March 2012

We have played the 12 Bar owned by the great Andy Lowe several times now and I love it more with each visit.  It's the kind of place that honors original music but also completely rocks hard and loud so the bands are always lively and unique...to say the least!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dublin Ruby Sessions March 2012

DUBLIN March 2012 Courtney Yasmineh Band arrives..first photo, gets a beer...second photo, plays the Ruby Sessions...third photo

Saturday, February 25, 2012

We head out on March 19th for another European adventure.  Elliott Blaufuss joins us for the first time.  He also plays with Eric Hutchinson who is enjoying a resurgence with his nifty new single "Watching You Watching Him".  Casey Smith, our brilliant guitarist and vocalist who plays with another great band called Dirty Word, will be along. Our producer and musical director  Rob Genadek will be on drums and vocals.  Cori Miller will be joining our motley crew as band photographer, videographer, and merch princess.  Here's the pretty poster she made for us.